Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fridge Victory!

Around the holidays or when I'm cooking for a party, I always run out of room in the fridge. This past holiday season it happened... I was standing there in wonder. How would I ever make all this food fit! So the genius idea hit me.... place a cookie sheet in between casserole dishes so I could stack them! Yippie, problem solved. So proud of myself because finally I had a kitchen tip I had not heard of! Goooo tell your favorite people, now! I'm so giggling at myself because even in that moment of fridge victory I took a picture, haha! Facebook and blogging has encouraged me to take a picture of everything. When I download my pics from my camera, it seems like my fave thing to capture is ME! haha!

Kashi ROCKS!

Kashi cereal is full of goodness. Our fave healthy cereal are Honey Sunshine, Heart to Heart and Go Lean Crunch. These cereals are low in sugar and high in fiber.

Hot Dog! Let's Dance!

Hot dogs are popular in this house. It's such a ez meal to make for this Mama. We stay away from processed meat but occasionally I still love a hot dog or sauage. I buy hot dogs without without nitrates. The flavor is slightly different but still very good.
$2 a package

A EZ read why we stay away from nitrates.

Yo Yo Yogurt!

My Monkey loves yogurt! I was delighted Yoplait had option without rBGH and in a fun package just for kids. A Woohoo all around! We also freeze them and he thinks it's so yummy. Now that Monkey is in kindergarten he will ask me for something he saw a buddy eat at school. It's most often kinda junky so I will buy one package and never buy it again. I do want him to try whatever he saw just so he's not curious. Recently, he tried Dananimals Smoothies do not have HFCS but do have artificial coloring and rBGH so this is a occasional treat. He thinks they're so good and drinks them as a shot.