Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hot Dog! Let's Dance!

Hot dogs are popular in this house. It's such a ez meal to make for this Mama. We stay away from processed meat but occasionally I still love a hot dog or sauage. I buy hot dogs without without nitrates. The flavor is slightly different but still very good.
$2 a package

A EZ read why we stay away from nitrates.


  1. O yes I love hot dogs!! I'll have to try these and see if I like. Unfortunately, I came to realize that I've been eating lots of processed foods this past 4 weeks - maybe that's my issue with tummy and not eggs after it's something I'm keeping an eye on to see what's my deal.

  2. Hi, Jess! I didn't know you had a blog. You should have told me. =)

    I love these hot dogs. They are our favorite.

    I never buy anything but all beef Oscar Mayer franks.

  3. Hey there Dawn!
    I'm still a lil shy about my blog. Thanks for following me, nice surprise to see your pretty face. I follow you now, too! ;)
